In-Home Alcohol Treatment Program in Adams, MA

Join our same-day outpatient alcohol treatment program in Adams, Massachusetts. Our compassionate care team is ready to support you, no matter what your recovery looks like.

Alcoholism (AUD) Treatment Program Near You in Adams, MA

At Better Life Partners we make it simple to get started with recovery for alcoholism (now known as alcohol use disorder or AUD) if you live near Adams, MA. We know how valuable your time is which is why we offer same-day flexible treatment options online so you can pick what works best for you.

We believe anyone looking to get healthy should have the ability to access the tools to make that possible. We aren’t alone in this thinking, which is why we have great partnerships with local organizations that allow us to deliver care directly to you from anywhere in Massachusetts.

In addition to being accessible, we’re also affordable. We accept most insurances, including MedicareMedicaidBCBSMassHealth, and offer a sliding-fee scale for those who need it. No matter what your financial situation is, we’ll make sure you get the compassionate care you deserve.

Simple steps to get started with recovery from alcohol use disorder (alcoholism) today:

  1. When you’re ready, just call or text us at (866) 679-0831. After a 15-minute free and confidential consultation with a member of our care team, you’ll have the option to begin treatment immediately.
  2. If you would like to start your recovery with Better Life Partners, we’ll help you set up weekly group therapy sessions and give you a quick orientation into our program
  3. The final step is only for our members who are interested in medication-assisted treatment. This optional tool is not required to join our program but can be a helpful resource during recovery. If you’re interested in medication for AUD, just mention it when you call and we’ll set you up with an appointment with a medical professional to see if it’s a good option for you!

Recovery Starts Today: Alcohol Treatment Program in Adams, MA

At Better Life Partners we want anyone looking to make a healthy change in their lives to have access to the resources that can help make that a possibility. That’s why our services are accessible to anyone living with alcohol use disorder (alcoholism) in Massachusetts. With everything from virtual services to flexible time slots, we’ll make sure recovery can work for you.

With our AUD (alcoholism) treatment program, we encourage our members to decide what their recovery should look like–our recovery team knows that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to AUD. No matter what you decide your journey might look like, whether that’s cutting back, abstaining, or something in between–we’ll be here to provide you with the support you need to reach the healthier life you deserve.

How to tell if Better Life Partners’ outpatient alcohol rehab program would be a good fit for you.

  • You want to decide what your healthier self should look like. You’ll be the one calling the shots when it comes to your recovery goals. Whether that means cutting back or working toward abstinence, we’ll provide you with the same amount of compassionate and judgment-free support.
  • You’re ready to get started with your AUD recovery today. Often that initial decision to make a change is one of the hardest. That’s why we want to be there for you exactly when you decide the time is right. We offer our same-day access to resources and support to help you get started on the journey to a healthier life.
  • You want a recovery community you can depend on. At the heart of our recovery program is our licensed therapist-led group counseling sessions. You’ll get the benefit of peer power combined with the power of a licensed practitioner guiding you through all things alcohol and recovery related. This supportive and positive recovery community will help you foster lasting change.

Naltrexone for alcoholism in Adams, Massachusetts

Same-day Resources for Alcohol Use Disorder (Alcoholism) in Adams, MA

If you’re looking to start your alcoholism (known as alcohol use disorder or AUD) recovery journey, you don’t have to do it alone. At Better Life Partners, we make it simple to get supportive resources the same day you give us a call at (866) 679-0831. No goal is too big or too small, we have options for anyone who wants to begin their journey toward a healthier life.

The highlight of our alcohol treatment program is our group counseling sessions, which can be attended online. These sessions are always led by a licensed counselor who can help to guide you on your recovery journey and lead lively discussions. You’ll get the chance to have a strong support network of your peers who truly understand the recovery process and each week you’ll have the opportunity to share your experiences, discuss educational topics surrounding AUD (alcoholism), and develop healthy coping mechanisms and goal-setting skills.

Whether recovery for you means cutting back on your drinking, abstaining completely, or finding something in between, we’re here to provide compassionate, unwavering support.

Here are a few examples of what we can provide to you in Adams, MA:

  • Recovery coaching
  • Group therapy sessions led by a licensed professional
  • Optional medications for alcohol use disorder
  • A supportive recovery community
  • 1-on-1 counseling
  • Mental health care
  • Care coordination and referral services
  • And so much more!

If you’re ready to see what resources could be a good fit for you, call or text us at (866) 679-0831.

Optional medication for alcohol use disorder (AUD/alcoholism)?

Medication for alcohol use disorder is just one of the many resources we have available to our members. This optional tool can be a helpful support resource during your recovery, but isn’t right for everyone. Many of our members decide not to use medication, and that’s perfectly fine! But for those who are interested in using it for extra support, we’re happy to help.

The following are the three different medications we can prescribe at Better Life Partners:

  • Disulfiram is recommended for people with a goal of abstinence. It is taken daily and causes the body to be extra sensitive to alcohol while also reducing cravings.
  • Acamprosate is also recommended for those looking to stop drinking entirely and is taken 3x/day. It works to decrease cravings.
  • Naltrexone is great for people hoping to decrease their drinking. This medication can either be taken orally daily or monthly as an injectable and works by reducing cravings and decreasing the rewarding effects of drinking.

If you’re interested in medication as a support tool during your recovery, you’ll work closely with a licensed medical professional to determine what medication (if any) fits best with your goals for recovery, and you’ll meet regularly with a medical provider to ensure the medication is working well for you. All of the medications we offer have been studied and shown to be safe and effective at treating AUD.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, just mention your interest in medication when you call or text us at (866) 679-0831.

A Compassionate Alcohol Recovery Community in Adams, MA

We guide our alcohol treatment program with a harm reduction philosophy, which means that we’re dedicated to providing you with options, never consequences. We’re breaking down the barriers that often prevent people from getting the help they want by providing same-day, easily accessible resources and support. We have no waitlistsno abstinence requirements, and no punishments for things like missing meetings or relapsing in our program.

No matter where you’re at on your recovery journey, we’ll meet you with love, compassion, and respect. Everyone deserves the right to decide what their future should look like, which is why we encourage you to set your own goals for treatment. Whether you want to drink less, quit entirely, or try something in between, our supportive recovery community will be with you for the journey.

Call or text us today at (866) 679-0831 to get started.

Frequently asked questions

Where is Better Life Partners located in Massachusetts?

We partner with community organizations so that we can provide our medication-assisted treatment services wherever they’re needed in Massachusetts. With fantastic partners and virtual options, no matter where you are in the state, you can receive our alcohol treatment services.

How is Better Life Partners’ alcohol treatment program different from AA?

Our program takes the best parts of AA and builds upon them. We offer group sessions, like AA, but they are led by licensed professionals and are focused on your unique needs. While our sessions aren’t geared toward a one-faith practice, we support members of all faiths and encourage each person to share what’s important to them.

Why do you use Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and alcoholism interchangeably?

First and foremost, we use the word alcoholism on our website to make sure folks looking online for treatment find us as an option! That said, we know there are several people out there who don’t relate to that word, so we use it alongside AUD and aim to use alcohol use disorder in place of alcoholism when possible.  

We use alcohol use disorder instead of alcoholism because AUD includes varying degrees of alcohol use and is a diagnostic medical term, whereas “alcoholism” is a colloquial term that is often interpreted negatively or as referring to someone with a severe alcohol use problem. So, we use AUD to be inclusive and non-judgmental!

Do I need to take medication to be in your program?

Absolutely not! We never ask our members to do anything they are not comfortable with. Many of our members opt out of medications and others elect to use them. Your recovery is up to you! We’re here to provide you with options so you can choose the treatment style that works best for you.

I’m interested in medications, how quickly can I start on Naltrexone/Acamprosate/Disulfiram for Alcoholism?

We offer same-day treatment with or without medications for alcoholism/AUD. Call/text to get started: (866) 679-0831.

What is expected of me during treatment?

First, you will meet with a medical professional to get started. After that, members take part in supportive counseling sessions. Depending on where you’re at in your recovery, this may look like weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly group therapy. Overall, what your treatment looks like is up to you–we’re just here to give you whatever support you need in the process.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes. We accept Medicaid, Medicare, BCBS, MassHealth, most insurances, and offer a sliding fee scale as needed.


What’s it like to be a Better Life Partners member?

We may be biased, but we think it’s pretty great! We operate with a non-punitive harm reduction philosophy, which means that we offer compassion and flexibility to help you achieve your goals. We believe in creating options and a sense of belonging during recovery, instead of focusing on consequences. Plus, we integrate with other community organizations to make sure you can get our care no matter where you are.

Become a community partner here