North Brookfield, MA Medication-Assisted Treatment Program

Get same-day medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone in North Brookfield, MA. We provide confidential opioid addiction treatment, from the comfort of your home.

Convenient MAT with Suboxone Treatment Near You in North Brookfield, MA

You can now have access to same-day medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction, including a prescription for Suboxone, in North Brookfield, MA. Better Life Partners is bringing the care you deserve directly to you at the time you decide it’s right. We offer virtual care options and group counseling sessions that can fit even the tightest schedule. Our compassionate care team is highly confidential and is ready to meet you exactly where you’re at.

We know that bringing access to treatment to your door is only half the battle. Care also has to be affordable. Better Life Partners accepts most insurances, including MassHealth, Medicare, and BCBS, and has a sliding fee scale for anyone without insurance. Don’t let your budget stand in the way of you getting the treatment you want. We will work with you to make sure price never stands in the way of your dream treatment.

Signs Better Life Partners may be a good fit for you:

  • You want to have access to opioid addiction treatment now. No matter where you live in Massachusetts, we can provide same-day access to care online.
  • You want to decide what your recovery looks like. Better Life Partners isn’t in the business of telling people how they should live. We believe everyone should be in charge of deciding what a healthy life looks like for themselves. We encourage our members to create their own treatment goals for recovery, we’ll be here to provide you with the support you need to reach them.
  • You want high-quality care without judgment. At Better Life Partners, we’re committed to providing non-judgmental, non-punitive care. That means we won’t turn you away or kick you out for relapsing or missing meetings, and we definitely won’t judge you for your background or drug use history.

Start your Opioid Addiction Treatment today in North Brookfield, MA

With Better Life Partners, you’ll get same-day access to treatment for opioid use disorder in Massachusetts. Access to treatment is quick and easy, regardless of what you are hoping your recovery to look like. We have the flexibility to work around your schedule and budget to make sure you can get the treatment you need, right when you need it.

Better Life Partners is committed to providing you with compassionate, wraparound care. We know that you are so much more than your drug use habits, and we promise not to judge you. You can feel safe coming to our program as you are, we’ll meet you wherever you’re at in your recovery. We’ll provide the support and resources you need to start living a healthier life today.

Here’s how to get started with opioid addiction treatment today:

  1. Start by calling/texting us at (866) 679-0831 for a quick, 15-minute confidential phone call with a member of our care team. Treatment can start immediately following this call. Medication, if prescribed, will be sent to a pharmacy of your choice.
  2. Next you can schedule a longer follow-up appointment to give our team a better idea of your current situation and goals for treatment. This can be completed online.
  3. Finally, if you like what Better Life Partners has to offer, we can work with you to set up weekly group counseling sessions and a short orientation into the program.

Suboxone clinic in North Brookfield, Massachusetts

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in North Brookfield, MA

At Better Life Partners, we have had great success in helping individuals living with opioid addiction achieve their recovery goals. We often use medication-assisted treatment, also known as MAT. This is a whole-person form of care that treats both the mind and the body because we recognize that opioid addiction is complex and affects all areas of your health. MAT is typically a combination of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and behavioral therapy, but you can also use other resources in addition to those for extra support.

We prescribe Suboxone for MAT, which is a sublingual film made up of buprenorphine and naloxone. Suboxone helps to treat the physical symptoms of addiction like cravings and withdrawal symptoms. We combine that with the guidance from a clinician and group counseling sessions led by a licensed practitioner. Between Better Life Partners’ compassionate team and the support from peers going through a similar experience, you will never have to be alone in recovery.

There are unfortunately a lot of misconceptions surrounding the use of medication-assisted treatment. MAT has been shown to be a safe and effective way of treating opioid addiction. Studies have shown that there is a higher likelihood of retention in treatment for individuals who use MAT, and it can also help reduce the likelihood of overdoses and relapses.

If you think MAT is right for you, or if you’d like to know more, just call/text us at (866) 679-0831 to talk with a member of our care team today.

Compassionate Healing for Opioid Addiction in North Brookfield, MA

You deserve access to high-quality treatment from medical providers who won’t judge you, won’t turn you away, and won’t kick you out of the program for things like relapsing or missing meetings. Here at Better Life Partners, we’re committed to providing compassionate care to everyone who comes to us looking for treatment. We operate with a harm reduction philosophy, which just means that we’re here to help you live a safer, healthier life today–whatever that might look like for you.

We recognize that recovery from opioid addiction is going to look different for everybody. Your goals are going to be unique to your own life and personal circumstances, and that’s okay. At Better Life Partners, we know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to opioid addiction, which is why we encourage you to set your own goals for treatment. Whether you’re wanting to use drugs less, abstain altogether, or something else, we’ll be here to provide you with the resources you need to start living a healthier life today.

Together with our partners, here are some of the services we can provide our members with: 

  • Medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone
  • Narcan
  • Group counseling led by a medical professional
  • Syringe exchanges
  • Drug and infectious disease testing
  • Care coordination and referral services
  • And so much more!

Call/text us at (866) 679-0831 to see what resources we can provide you with today.

Frequently asked questions

Where is Better Life Partners located in Massachusetts?

We partner with community organizations so that we can provide our medication-assisted treatment services wherever they’re needed in Massachusetts. With fantastic partners and virtual options, no matter where you are in the state, you can receive our opioid addiction treatment services.

Does medication-assisted treatment actually work?

Yes it does. See the research here.

Is Better Life Partners a Suboxone Clinic?

Better Life Partners makes it possible to get same-day medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone. Any prescriptions will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.

How quickly can I start on buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone)?

We offer same-day treatment. Call/text to get started: (866) 679-0831.

What is expected of me during treatment?

First, you will meet with a medical professional to get started. After that, members take part in supportive counseling sessions. Depending on where you’re at in your recovery, this may look like weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly group therapy. Overall, what your treatment looks like is up to you–we’re just here to give you whatever support you need in the process.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes. We accept Medicare, MassHealth, BCBS, most insurance plans, and offer a sliding fee scale as needed.

What’s it like to be a Better Life Partners member?

We may be biased, but we think it’s pretty great! We operate with a non-punitive harm reduction philosophy, which means that we offer compassion and flexibility to help you achieve your goals. We believe in creating options and a sense of belonging during recovery, instead of focusing on consequences. Plus, we integrate with other community organizations to make sure you can get our care no matter where you are.

Become a community partner here.